mental health recovery
Kelty's Key is your source for online therapy. Get tailored treatment from an online therapist, or work on your own with our self-help resources. With Kelty's Key, getting the help you need is flexible and accessible. We are publicly funded by Vancouver Coastal Health, making all our services 100% free.
Our courses are made by clinical experts in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy at Vancouver Coastal Health.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is well-studied and proven to work. Studies show that online therapy is as effective as face-to-face.
Your privacy is important to us. This site does not store your personal information.
Work on your therapy when and where you like. We aim to give you the ultimate flexibility.
Why Use
Online Therapy?
Getting the help you need from the comfort of your home can have many advantages. Find out why people around the world are choosing online therapy.
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The Kelty Patrick
Dennehy Foundation
Kelty’s Key has been funded in part by The Kelty Patrick Dennehy Foundation. In 2001, Ginny and Kerry Dennehy lost their son Kelty to depression. Determined to prevent similar tragedies, their foundation set out to make a difference. They are the driving force behind many projects aimed at helping young people with mental illness.
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