We can do a lot of things online — our banking, our studies, and even our shopping. In many ways, the Internet has made life easier and more flexible. Online therapy works to bring this adaptability to your mental health care.

When most people hear about online therapy, their mind often jumps to video calling. But online mental health care can take many forms. Some types include instant messaging, video chatting, audio messaging, and email. At Kelty’s Key, we focus on email therapy.

You may feel unsure if you’ll get the same benefits from emailing a therapist as by seeing them in person. Lots of research has been done on this subject. Studies have found that email therapy works just as well as in-office therapy. It’s a legitimate alternative and used around the world. There is no difference in outcomes.

What does vary between email therapy and in-office therapy is logistics. Here are some reasons why some people prefer email therapy:

  • No need for appointments. No babysitters, time off work, or commuting necessary. You can write to your therapist anytime, anywhere.
  • You can access treatment even if you live far away from your therapist, have a disability, or transport limitations.
  • You feel more comfortable and open at home.
  • You worry about the stigma of going to a clinic, hospital, or therapist’s office.
  • You don’t need to “remember” your sessions. Your emails are a transcript. You can revisit them whenever you need to.
  • Writing out your thoughts helps you to process things. It’s like keeping a diary or journaling.
  • You have time to structure your thoughts and plan what you want to tell your therapist.
  • You find you express yourself better in writing than by talking.
  • You can look at previous emails and see your progress more easily.

Why Use Kelty’s Key With a Therapist?

Studies have shown that CBT with a therapist will improve your mental health better than self-help. Working with an online therapist gives you the best of both worlds– flexibility and results.

Kelty’s Key with an online therapist has been shown to lower symptoms of depression and anxiety by an average of 45%.

Want to find an online therapist?


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